Academic research is nothing but using new research techniques and developing studies related to the untouched areas of life to help us get a better understanding of the world that we live in. Academic researchers conduct studies into different aspects of life and aim to develop more in-depth subject knowledge. Usually, these professionals are employed by colleges and universities. The research can either be carried out by an individual or alongside other academic tutors. In some cases, they may work as professors or tutors in addition to carrying out their research work.
Besides this, an academic researcher will also assist students to carry out their personal search. For instance, some researches such as a thesis on the similarities between red bed cells in a grimpoteuthis and a gorilla might need the assistance of an academic researcher with good expertise.
Qualitative Research Methods you Should Know
The overall academic research process is classified into three forms as detailed below.
Exploratory research: This is done with the intention of figuring out new problems.
Constructive research: It is based on developing solutions to an existing problem.
Empirical research: This aspect of academic research looks to study the possibilities of a specific solution to know how long it will be relevant.
If you wonder why this research is important, then you should know that conducting research will let us become knowledgeable and we continue to evolve. This type of research helps us understand life better and answer questions such as why we live. Notably, most research that is carried out at universities is published in the form of a book or a scholarly journal. In some cases, they are reviewed by academic scholars and circulated to a wider audience. There are chances for the same to be picked up by the press and become popular.
Usually, academic research will be funded by the college or university where it is conducted. Sometimes, the funding can be made by external sources commissioning the research for their benefits.
Requirements to become an academic researcher
When research is prominent in a career you are interested in, you need to be analytical, forward-thinking, innovative and patient. These characteristics are important as you will not be doing exploratory research into a subject that has been studied already. Also, you should be resilient as research and experiment will not always provide the correct results in the first attempt. Besides these traits, to become an academic researcher, you should possess an academic background with undergraduate and postgraduate qualifications related to the scientific project you have chosen to work with. Also, you should be able to secure the necessary funding.